The taste of honey...

The Bohemian gingerbread recipe is different than of the English gingerbread. We use cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, ginger and most importantly honey. You can feel the honey as soon as you taste the biscuit and you can even smell it after opening the packaging!

Our glamorous gingerbread is hand made and hand decorated - which is quite unique and unusual these days when everything is made by machines. Each piece is decorated with love, effort and patience...

Our decorated gingerbreads are made in different sizes and shapes.
We make: Please take a look at them here and in the e-shop.

Gingerbread cakes can be original presents for any occasion for friends or family and it can also be used as a decoration throughout the year. The best thing about it is that everything is edible!

Just a couple of ideas how you can use it: Beautifully decorated gingerbread heart with royal icing Gingerbread hearts can be used all year long to say 'Thank you' or 'I love you'...

Decorated gingerbread has a long tradition in Middle Eastern European countries. If you are so lucky to visit one of these countries then in the Czech Republic look for Pernik, you can ask for Medovnik in Slovakia, for Pierniki in Poland. It is also popular as Lebkuchen in Germany. You can find this kind of German food mainly on street markets and carnivals.

Our gingerbread is not very well known in England but I hope you will also like it for its taste and beauty...

Decorated gingerbread house with candles for Christmas